Sunday, October 5, 2008

My New Weekend Home

So I have a new vacation home where I like to spend my weekends. It is an all inclusive (the food is amazing), 4 star location. This last visit I even got a room with an amazing view of the city. It is pretty expensive, but you are waited on hand and foot. No, it isn't a Sandals vacation resort in the is the hospital. I really like it there, I can't seem to stay away. I have spent the last three weekends there. In fact since I have had Sloan I have spent more time in the hospital than at home. Last Sunday night at about 3am I woke up very sick. I had uncontrollable chills and a fever of 103.9. I new immediately I had mastitis since I have heard my sisters horrible mastitis stories many times. I called and got an antibiotic and started taking it. The medicine wasn't helping and by Sunday late afternoon my temperature was still 103. I called the doctor again and she asked me to go to the hospital. Long story short they admitted me once again. I was given an IV (I mean they didn't even have to make a hole since I have a permanent one from the last two visits) and pumped a bunch of antibiotics and fluids. After 24 hours of nothing working and a fever that was still spiking to 104, the doctors decided this was more than just mastitis. They think I may have gotten some kind of bacterial infection. The doctor said once in a while there are rare cases of mastitis that are abnormally bad. If there is a way to get a "rare" case of something, leave it to me to get it! So I spent two nights at my home away from home and finally got to go home on Wednesday. The most frustrating part is that I pretty much lost all my milk supply I worked so hard to build up. So we are back at square one of doing everything I can to get my milk to come back in. Who ever said child birth was hard obviously didn't breast feed their child. I have never worked so hard at something in my whole life!!!


Shalice said...

I am so glad you can make me laugh when reading about your not so fun weekend! You are hilarious!

All I can say is....good thing these babies are so darn cute!

bradyandbrooke said...

Hi Sharielle, oh my gosh I can't believe everything you've been through. Good thing she is so dang cute and you can say that it's all worth it. Congrats, can't wait to see you guys and introduce our sweet little girls, too bad you guys live so far away.

NatBug said...

That sounds awful, I am sorry that you are having such a bad experience with breast-feeding. I am glad taht you are finally getting better though.

Brooke said...

True that!!! Breast feeding has seriously been one of the hardest things I have ever done. So sorry that you had to go through all of that. I have had mastitis a few times myself but not to that degree so I can't even imagine how miserable you must have been. But, I can say that nursing does get easier.
Anyway, Sloan is adorable. And her name fits her cute face so well!

Shaundee said...

Hands down to the champion of breast-feeding. I know that your experience was terrible, but you still are hilarious when you document your events.

I know you don't believe me, but it does get easier and you are doing unbelievably well. And you were worried that if you started a blog that you wouldn't have anything to blog about!! :)

Kellie said...

Dang Shar, in the hospital the last three weekends? How awful! I hope your feeling better.

sara, ryan, and lucy said...

Hey Shar, just came across your blog and thought I would say hi. What a cute little girl. Funny... I just had a little girl too and I think they kind of look alike. I was laughing at how similar our birthing stories were. Sorry about the mastitis...that really stinks. Motherhood is tough. Hope you are feeling better.

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

I was also in the hospital 1 week after my baby was born. I had symptoms like you, but it was a uterine infection due to my extremely long labor. It is the worst feeling sick and just wanting to take care of your baby and be home. Hope things are getting better. She is stinkin cute!!