Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So my pediatrician recommended the book "Happiest Baby on the Block" by Harvey Karp. This has been the best book I have read (and I read a lot of them to get ready for the baby). I wish I would have known about it before Sloan was born as it has made the world of difference. I have gone from Sloan sleeping on my belly all night long to her sleeping in her crib. She also used to have a really fussy time from about 6-10pm and she is no longer unhappy at this time of night. She naps really well and just as of today I have gotten her to nap in her swing during the day so I can actually shower and get some things accomplished, including blogging as you can tell from my 3 new posts (it is amazing to have some extra time on my hands, I never thought that would happen)...HOORAY!!! This book has really changed everything and made it so much easier for me to know what to do to calm Sloan down and make her happy. Please if you are going to be a new parent, or if you have a fussy baby and you don't know what to do, read this book. It may take a second to master the "5 S's" but once you do it really works. I don't even have to use all 5...mainly just swaddling (which I thought Sloan hated as she always fought it, but then realized I wasn't swaddling her tight enough), and rocking or swinging. It truly is amazing! Tomorrow may bring a whole new set of issues and frustrations, but as of today we have had a breakthrough!!!


Clint and Jinger Miller said...

I am glad you have found something that is working. We followed the book Babywise and love it!! I don't know where I would be without it. I hope it continues to help so you can get some rest.

NatBug said...

Sounds like a great book and that things are going so much better!

Shaundee said...

Hooray...I am sorry we didn't metion books before. But just so you know the 5 S's work on crabby husbands too :)

Shalice said...

Thanks for the tip Shauns!

Your little baby is looking bigger! I love her "church dress". Such a cute family photo...can you believe you have a baby??

She is so perfect....keep the pics coming!

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

Shar- I also found out that my baby wanted to be swaddled very tight and could never do it right. I found a thing on the internet called "the miracle blanket". It looks kinda like a straight jacket for babies. It truly is a miracle blanket. I have never seen anything that is so easy to swaddle and do it tightly like this. you should look into it. It is like $30 bucks (which I thought was way to expensive for a blanket) but knowing know how good it was I would have paid $100 for it.

Jessica June said...

Sharielle- She is getting big! What a darling baby!! Sorry to hear about all your visits to the hospital- Not fun! Good thing they are worth it, right??!

BreAnn Clark said...

She is so cute! wow it is so good to see what you are up to ! What a beautiful family