Thursday, October 16, 2008

Suggestions Please?

So my beautiful baby girl has a few small issues. She hates pretty much everything that every normal child enjoys. The only way I can get her to sleep is if she is being held on my chest in a somewhat upright position. She HATES, and I mean hates her crib, bouncer, swing, car seat and stroller. Anything where she has to lay down, she hates. She loves the Baby Bjorn though (because she is being held in an upright position). I love holding her and cuddling and would do it all the time with no complaints if I never needed to accomplish anything in my day, or shower, or sleep at night. Basically I can't really put her down for more than about 10 min. I was hoping someone out there has had a child like this and might have a solution. I have never met a child that doesn't like driving in the car. Isn't that really strange or do I just not know what is normal and not??? Oh, and she also hates a pacifier so I don't have anything to sooth her when she is upset.

The other thing is she doesn't love to sleep, and when she does it is kind of a half sleep. The only time I can get her to really sleep is if I am walking her around in the Baby Bjorn. I think I may get her to sleep for about a combined total of 2 hours a day on a good day. I really don't think this is normal for a newborn (or is it?).

Anyway, just thought I would throw these few things out there if anyone has any ideas. I am open for anything so just let me know!


Shalice said...

Oh Shar....those pictures are so darn cute. I can't even believe she ever cries!

Does she spit up a lot? Maybe she has a little reflux? Maybe she is lactose intolerant? Probably just colicky though.....hopefully she will decide she likes to be set down soon.

Try to not worry about the things you haven't gotten done and just enjoy the holding. (That is so hard to do though when you are in the moment).

Come home and I will hold her for you!

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Maybe she has reflux. Lydia had that and hated laying down as well, once we got her on medecine she became like a new baby, so maybe at your next doctors appt you could as about it. Anyways she is an absolutely beautiful baby!

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

Take her to the doctor and check to see if she has reflux. That can make her very uncomfortable laying down. Bodie had refulx really bad and needed medication and a special formula. Try soy formula too. Something must be not settleing right for her. Hope things work out.

Kellie said...

Bring her to Arizona and I'll hold her for awhile so you can sleep, mmmk?

NatBug said...

Shar, I agree with the rest, take her to her doctor, she probably has reflux. I hope you get some sleep soon, she is so darn cute!!!

Mom and Sarah said...

Hi Sharielle, I was talking to my friend, a young mother who is up on the latest books, etc., and she suggested the following books - Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karpp and On Becoming Baby Wise by Gary Ezzo. Maybe something in one of those books will give you an idea. I hope it gets better soon...hang in there! She is adorable!! Aunt Lisa

Brooke said...

The first thought I had was reflux as well.. but I also heard the term the 4th trimester where they are not quite ready to break away yet. Honestly, Ava is similar to Sloan. She doesnt sleep at all at night. And she always wants to be held. It has gotten a little better since she has become mobile so hang tight. Or maybe your peditrician has some ideas. That's rough Shar!