Friday, January 30, 2009

Happy Baby

If anyone was wondering, I have the happiest baby ever. I feel so lucky to have such a good baby. She is so chill and will just hang out with me pretty much all day. If she does get unhappy over something it is really easy to just talk to her or sing her a song (she loves patty cake and popcorn) and she is happy again. I know that in a few months when she starts to want to move and can't I might be eating my words. But as of today, I have the happiest, most well behaved baby! Just in case you don't believe me here is some proof.

Pictures after church.

This is Sloan just hanging out with her dad. I should also mention that even though she is only 4 months old she turns into a total ham the second the camera comes out.

I had to throw this picture in. I have started to swaddle Sloan with one arm out because she rolls over in her sleep too easily when she is totally swaddled. The other night I walked in to check on her and this is what I found. Totally dramatic even in her sleep. Now I don't think Sloan will grow up to be quite as dramatic as her cousin Lyza, but she may have a gene or two of drama in her family line that has been passed down to her.


lou,chase, and marley said...

oh my gosh!! your baby is so darling i can't take it!! i want to cuddle her so much!

Shalice said...

The cutest pics ever!! I love the big open mouth toothless smile. I want to dive into her mouth and breath deeply!:)

Shaundee said...

Seriously..those pictures are killing me! That smile...if she was mine I think I would devour her. And careful what you wish for...she might just be as dramatic as little lou. But what a fantastically beautiful drama queen she will make.