Sunday, June 7, 2009

Baby Ironies

As I sit here enjoying my much too short weekend of no work with Sloan, I thought to myself, someone should write a book about baby ironies (maybe someone has and I just don't know it?). Life with a baby is just so funny and entertaining to me. So I thought I would post a few of the baby ironies in my life and I am sure the life of many other mothers.

Baby Irony #1: Why is it that you can go to the store and spend $50 on new toys and when you get back home your baby loves the packaging far more than any of the actual toys?

Baby Irony #2: Why is it that your child can do something so cute 10 times in a row, but the second you turn on your video camera to document it, it is like the cute trick never even existed?

Baby Irony #3: Why is it that it can take a mother a good 7 minutes to mesh, mold and squeeze a shoe on her babies foot but it only takes your baby about 7 seconds to kick it off?

Baby Irony #4: Why is it that your baby can completely ruin your TV settings on your TV with one push of a random button in the 2 seconds they sneak over and grab it and it takes a parent 20 minutes to figure out which button they pushed and how to get the TV back to normal?

I am sure I will think of more to post. Feel free to add your own. Who knows, between us all maybe we can come up with a pretty funny book to publish!


BreAnn Clark said...

you are so right!

Shaundee said...

Baby Irony #5 Why is it that your child can have a room full of toys to play with but complain to you that they are so bored and have nothing to do? However, they go over to their friends house...who by the way have the EXACT same toys you do...and they are entertained and fascinated for hours? (I guess you can consider this a baby/toddler irony.)

Baby Irony #6: Why is it that your baby can have a messy diaper that needs changing. You wait a few minutes after noticing the beautiful smell...just incase they weren't quite finished yet. You sense the coast is clear. You change the above stated package-o-fun. Without fail, the second you get them a clean "inexpensive" diaper and all snapped up and dressed again...what happens? Oops not quite done. SERIOUSLY EVERY TIME!!

I am sure I will think of more later.

Love the irony!

Shalice said...

Hilarious! Every one is spot on!

Baby Irony #7: Why is it that you can give your baby an old cell phone....that still turns on....but you don't care if it gets broken....and she still wants the one you have?? Even, when they look the exact same? Boy those babies are smart!