Sunday, May 17, 2009

8 Months Old

Where has the time gone? We made it to Arizona and through the first few weeks of the new job. Although we are missing dad, and he is missing lots of fun moments, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We think Lee should be out her sometime mid June (hurry up and get here quick).

Sloan is 8 months old, I can't believe it. She has hit some major milestones over the last month including her first day in the pool. That is one of the good things about living on the sun here in can swim in May. Here is a list of the fun things Sloan is doing at 8 month old:

1. She has 3 teeth (two on the bottom and one on the top) and 4 more that are coming soon.

2. She can go from laying down to sitting up all on her own.

3. She is in the crawling position and can move backwards and is just on the verge of being able move forward.

4. She can clap and wave and I am pretty sure she can do a few signs like milk and more...but I may just be making that up in my head.

5. She loves to jabber and make this high pitched squeal (usually at the most inopportune times like during dead silent moments at church). She says dadad and babab and a few others,

6. She loves to blow raspberries and does it pretty much constantly, especially right when she wakes up in the morning.

7. She loves her baths and really enjoyed swimming. I think this will be a summer filled with some serious pool time (since it is right in the backyard).

8. She loves to hold her hands behind her back. Her Grandma Sally thinks this is hilarious and we have lots of pictures to document it.

All in all she is just a happy, smiley little girl. I have loved every second of the last 8 months and can't wait for all the fun milestones that will fill the next 8.


Sarah Ragatz said...

It looks like Sloan is getting some hair. She looks so much bigger than the last time I saw her. I miss her a lot. I wish I could have went swimming with you guys!

Kellie said...

I'm so glad I got to see that cute girl again, I love her! And you too :) Let's get together again soon, we'll be around this weekend, let me know if you have plans!

lou,chase, and marley said...

she is getting so big!! i love it! next time you guys are in utah i want to meet this darling little girl!

Jon, Kaylene and Laila said...

shar so cute, I cant believe it has been eight months, these crazy kids! she is such a smiley girl, I love it, and that is so fun that you are able to hang with kel again, fun fun I miss ya and yes arizona is definately a possibility, so we will see!

Shalice said...

Such cute pics of the little cheeser! She must be practicing good posture by putting her hands behind her back!! :)

Shaundee said...

How can you love someone so much that is not even yours? Well I do...just so you know.

Megan said...

Sloan looks so cute in her swimming suit. How fun to already have her in the pool. Cora has those same polka dot pjs. Let me know on FB how your job is going and if you're liking AZ! We miss you guys!

Linzz said...

Sharielle she is so cute and always so happy.