Friday, March 13, 2009

March Madness

March has been kind of all over the place. This has mainly been manifested by the weather. Two weeks ago it snowed about 4 inches, the most I have ever seen it snow in Charlotte. It was freezing for about three days and then suddenly it got warmer and by the weekend it was 79. I blame all this craziness for the reason I keep getting sick. I mean one day we are in our winter parkas and the next we are busting out the shorts and flip flops. So in the midst of all the craziness here are some pics and updates from March.

One day snow...

Next day sun and walks in the park (or cemetery, hey when you live in the city you find grass where you can).

Here is Sloan getting ready to crawl. Actually she isn't even close, but hey pushing up on your tummy is step one right?

Sloan is really good at holding her own bottle now. She has been doing this for a while with Sarah, but since I rarely feed her from a bottle, this is the first I have been able to get a picture of it. She is just getting so big.


Jon, Kaylene and Laila said...

Stick straight hair, wierd? Shar she is so cute!!! we are missin you guys so bad too!! That smile is to die for, love ya

Jon, Kaylene and Laila said...

Shar I love the leg warmers, I need to get laila some!

Shaundee said...

Thanks for finally posting again. I second the whole leg warmer thing. Baby legs are the best invention in the world. Sloan has to be the best dressed baby around. I miss her so much. Oh, and serioulsy...the cememtary...have some respect fot the dead :)