Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sloan's Blessing Day

Sloan's blessing was on Sunday. It was such a special day and she looked so beautiful (thanks Sally for the amazing dress). Lee gave her a great blessing and it was so fun to be here in Utah with my family surrounding us for this special day. Here are some pictures from the day. There were so many cute ones so I apologize for the overload! I just can't believe how beautiful Sloan is inside and out. I just love her soooooo much!

My sisters and I were all pregnant at the same time and here are the babies. Ava (5 months), Seth (6 months) and Sloan (3 Months).


Shaundee said...

Seriously beautiful pictures and a fabulous day!! Love on her and love on all the babies!!!!

michelle milliron said...

Shar - These are the most precious photos! Plus the birth announcements are fabulous! I can't wait to catch up with you more. Happy Holidays, Michelle

Brooke said...

Oh wow! Sloan is such a beauty Shar! So, we are going up to Utah for Christmas.. short trip as always but are you going up er.. over?

NatBug said...

Her dress is adorable, she is such a cutie! I can't believe how big she is getting, I love her smile!

Shalice said...

I miss her already!! She is a beauty!