Sloan turned 2 September 15th. I have to say first and foremost, Saying good-bye to flying for free was especially hard since we travel to Utah to see family often. But also, I can't even believe she is already two! I know I will blink and she will be an independent teenager taking on the phone and wanting to hang out with her friends more than her family. But right now she is an independent two year old who wants to do everything by herself. She is incredibly funny and says the cutest things like "hey, what's the big idea" when something happens she isn't quite sure of. Or "no, I don't think so" when I ask her to do anything she doesn't want to do. She has been able to say and recognize her letters since she was about 18 months old. But now she also knows and can say the sounds they each make. She can count to 20 by herself and 30 with some help. She also knows tons and tons of signs. She caries on a conversation like she is 4 and is very, very clear with exactly what she wants. She is very determined and if she wants it she won't give up until she gets it. But she is also very rational, listens well, and is very obedient (most of the time). All in all she is an amazing little girl and I am so glad she is mine!!
Just wanted to post some cute pics of Sloan and what she's been up to lately.
For some reason Sloan decided to stuff her shirt full of all the fruit and veggies from her grocery basket. Not sure where this idea spawned from, but I thought it was totally funny.
We had so much fun in Utah! We are sad to be back home and back to work. I forgot how beautiful Utah really is because I always manage to travel there when it is 20 degrees and covered with snow. I am glad I finally took a summer trip and got a break from the 116 degree Arizona heat. Here are pics of the great things we did while in Utah.
I was able to have a fun girls night catching up with old friends from high school.
We got to see Grandma Nae, Papa Jer and lots of cousins. And I got to hang out with my sisters (although not pictured together, we really did hang out. Guess we were too busy taking the pics to be in them)!
We got to play on the beaches of Bear Lake
We swung on the giant tree swing (and by we I mean Sloan and her cousins)
And most importantly Sloan and I got to spend a whole week of fun together!!
Thanks Grandma Nae and Papa Jer for letting us come visit. And thanks Shalice and Brandon for letting us stay with you at your cabin in Bear Lake. It was so much fun, we can't wait to do it again!!
Sloan and I are having lots of fun hanging out in Utah with our family. My mom took this really cute pic of us so I wanted to post it. More pics to come!
It isn't until you put a picture side by side that you realize how much difference a year makes! It has definitely been an interesting year with lots of changes, but none of the changes are quite as apparent as the ones Sloan has made!! So crazy how fast they grow and how quickly they change!
The summer has already been filled with good times at the swimming pool. I am convinced Sloan is part fish because she would rather be in the pool (or water of any sort) than anything else. We have spent every Saturday for the past three weeks in the pool. The water is much warmer now, but even that first week, when the water was icicle cold, Sloan didn't care. Her teeth were chattering and her lips were blue but she didn't want to get out and had a blast anyway. Here are some pics from our summer so far.
And here is just a random pic of Sloan watching TV in her sunglasses. She would probably sleep in them if I would let her.
I love spring, minus the horrific allergies I am plagued with for 3 straight months, it is my favorite season. Here in Arizona the weather is perfect. It is the calm before the 115 degree storm. Here are a couple of fun pictures from our spring so far.
Sloan had her first Chuckie Cheese experience. We went with some good friends that have a daughter that is a week younger than Sloan. Despite my constant desire to sanitize everything in sight, Sloan had a really great time.
When I get ready for work in the morning, Sloan likes to help me. Often times she empties out my drawers and puts every single headband I own on as a necklace. It is very funny. Here is a cute picture of the result.
I was having a moment of feeling like everyone must be really sick of seeing pictures of Sloan. Then I realized there are really probably only three people that read my blog (my mom and two sisters) and they like my picture updates of Sloan. So for my three readers, I love you and miss you. Here are some cute pics of Sloan and a subtle hint to update your blogs because I miss all my cute kiddos :)!!
Getting a life size Minnie from Grandma.
Doing what she does with everything it a big bite on the nose.
All tuckered out.
Yes, this is how she sleeps. Notice "White Bear" is not so white from the neck up? That is because Sloan is obsessed with biting his nose and ears. She actually bites and shakes her head, much like a dog with a chew toy. I can't tell if it is out of love or if she is getting her pent up anger out. Either way, as you can see, poor White Bear takes the brunt of it.