Sloan has been walking for a couple of weeks now, but as usual I slack. I am pretty convinced that much like me, Sloan needs to be the best at whatever she does. I think she waited so long to walk because she wanted to be really good at it first. She really had the ability to do it over a month ago, but just didn't want to. One day she just decided out of the blue that she was going to do it and she has been really good at it ever since.
Sloan is also signing a ton and talking a lot too. She says mom, dad, dog, dee (odie), frog, socks, shoes, choo choo, plane, bird and her new word of the night is ho ho ho (we thought we would teach her that one for Christmas but she caught on much quicker than I anticipated). She is really good at listening and repeating. Guess it's time to start watching what we say.
I have tried to upload some really cute video of Sloan walking for like a week (which has made this post even later than it originally started out being). So one day, when I become slightly less technically stunted, hopefully I will figure it out and be able to post it.
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