Saturday, September 6, 2008

Two Days in the Hospital...Still No Baby

So I just spent two days in the hospital and left with a belly as big and uncomfortable as the day I was admit ed. Here is the long story for anyone that is interested.

I was at an offsite all day meeting for work on Wednesday just doing my job like any normal day. Suddenly at like 4:00pm I started feeling really sick. The meeting got over at about 5:30pm and luckily Lee was there to drive me home. The car ride was bad and by the time I was home about 20min later I was really sick. I was achy and freezing cold and my back was in a lot of pain. I tried getting in bed with a sweatshirt and all my blankets over me and I was still so cold my teeth were chattering. About an hour later I suddenly got really hot and sweaty. This cycled for a while and all along I was just really achy and couldn't really walk. I tried to get some sleep and almost woke Lee up to take me to urgent care. I decided to stick it out until the morning and I would go see my normal doctor. Finally the morning came and I was able to get a quick appointment with my doctor. When I got there she did some tests including a blood test. She told me the test came back and my white blood cells were elevated to 20 when they should be about 9 or 10. She called my OBGYN and they both agreed that I needed to go to the hospital immediately. I was pretty stressed since my house was a mess and I hadn't showered for a few days. I had no overnight bag and nothing to bring the baby home in if for some reason they told me I needed to have her. This was not the way I was picturing our little girl coming into the world. We went to the doctor and I was admitted and immediately given IVs and put on fetal monitors. It was a little scary as I didn't really know what was going on. The doctors came and ran lots of tests on myself and the baby. A specialist came in to do an ultrasound and it was determined the baby was fine. This was the biggest relief as this was my major concern. I could deal with whatever I need to as long as my baby was okay. They said I needed to stay overnight to be monitored and wait for some tests to come back. If anything came back positive they said they were going to have to induce me. After many hours of tests and IVs and a long night on a very uncomfortable bed the doctor said she felt I was okay to go home. I was elated to leave the hospital, but at the same time I was a little disappointed they decided not to induce me. I was a week a way and when I got the ultrasound the doctor said that my baby was least 8 pounds. I thought this plus the fact that I had some unknown illness would motivate them to say let's just go ahead and do it. However our hospital has a strict no induction rule unless it is a medical emergency. So Lee and I left the next day just as uncomfortable as we came.

I am so glad that the baby is okay and that I am feeling a little better. In the end they found a small bacterial infection. Who knew bacteria could make you so sick? However I will say that I am pretty disappointed we left without our little girl being born. I mean I was there, I had the IV and let's face it, my child is ginormous. But I guess they want her to sit and float in her little haven and eat lots of food so she can be at least 9 pounds when I have to push her out.

So, we will continue to keep you posted but thus far it is looking like it isn't going to be any time all too soon. And although I have decided that when the stretchy maternity clothes no longer fit it is far past time to have a baby, I guess I will have to wait for her to decide she is really cramped and uncomfortable in there and wants to come out. And if I were her I guess I would want to stay in there as long as possible too!!!


Shalice said...

9 lbs isn't too bad....just push REALLY hard! :) Take it from someone who knows!

Jon, Kaylene and Laila said...

Shar I can't believe that, I am glad that you and your babe is ok! 5 days, im calling you today!

NatBug said...

WOW!!! What an ordeal. You are such a strong person to have gone through all of that. At least now you have time to clean and get your bag together. Best of luck on the delivery!

Brooke said...

I am so sorry! That's awful Sharielle. But, really you want a better experience when she is born. Good luck with everything, you are going to do great!

Kellie said...

Scary! I'm glad everything is okay though! Come out soon, baby girl, we want to see you!!

Shaundee said...

Good job documenting the experience. Good thing you got practice with the IV...seriously those don't hurt at all??? Next time will be the real deal!! Love you

Darrik, Kami & Brock said...

That is so crazy! I'm so sorry you were so sick. That is no fun at all, on top of the feeling miserable from being basically 9 months pregnant. You are a trooper.

I feel the same way. You mentioned you didn't have your overnight bag or anything to bring her home in, but yet you want her here. I want my baby here, but yet I don't feel all that ready yet either. It's crazy. Can you believe in a few short days/weeks we are going to be parents? I can't. It's insane. But I guess it's too late, and thank goodness for that. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I'm glad you are feeling better. Can't wait to see your post of your little angel soon enough.