Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A Time to Vent & My Prediction

I precursor this blog entry with the fact that I am so grateful to be pregnant. I can't wait to meet our little girl and I know everything you go through in pregnancy is 110% worth it. But hey a girl does need to vent every once in a while right?

So for posterity and my sisters, here is my big belly at 35 weeks. It must be large compared to other pregnant people's bellies because everyone at my work keeps saying either

A: "You are really ready aren't you" or

B: "Are you sure your doctor's haven't miscalculated, you look like you should be much closer than 4 weeks!"

I really love both these comments...they make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. As if it isn't enough that I can't get comfortable to get any sleep, I wake up at least 7 times a night to go to the bathroom, and the most painful part of my day is completing the simple task of putting on my socks, apparently I look miserable too.

I think it is all the little things you don't expect that intrigue me the most about being pregnant. You expect the big belly, but no one tells you about the fact that you will gain so much weight your thighs may rub together when you walk. Or the fact that you may retain so much water that you won't fit into any pre-pregnancy shoes you owned. Or that your bones "down there" separate (who knew?) so it will probably be pretty painful to walk. Or that your face has the ability to pretty much double in size.

I will come clean on one thing I have learned being pregnant. I always told everyone I would never waddle no matter how pregnant I was. Well I have learned that the waddle is inevitable. There is just nothing you can do about it as it hurts far to much to walk regularly. So I say bring on the waddle!!!

Anyhow, I am now done venting. I have 4 weeks left and I can't wait to forget all the bad parts of being pregnant and only remember the good. I also can't even describe how excited I am to meet my daughter! It is like the excitement you feel when you know you get to go to Disney World soon...but a million times better!

The Prediction:
So in conclusion I want to make my prediction, just for the record so I can say I told you so. I predict that although I am due in 4 weeks, I will go into the doctors around my due date and won't even be close. My doctor will proceed to tell me that I look like I am on track and my baby doesn't seem big, therefore no need to rush things. Then 2 weeks later I will finally go into labor and our beautiful little girl will weigh 9 pounds 4 ounces. Just putting it out there...hopefully I am wrong but we will see!


Brooke said...

Um, my thighs have always touched. Is that not the norm? ;) You look so great Sharielle but I understand the venting. It's an experience that is for sure. I remember at night was the worst because if I laid on one side too long my hip bones would just ache! Have you decided on a name?

Shaundee said...

Seriously laughing so hard right now that tears are coming out of my eyes! I think I am laughing because this stage of pregnancy is all to real to me...just a short 12 weeks ago. You do just get to that point of being pregnant that you just want to get that baby out. You don't care if it is "Doogie Howser" or "McDreamy" who does it for you, you just want someone to help you. You will be so happy that you have this documented and can look back and remember this moment. By the way, I think you look darling. And don't worry, 12 weeks later and my thighs still touch. Love you so much and I can't wait to see this beautiful baby girl!!!

Cindy Boyer said...

I just have one thing to say (besides congrats ) I HATE YOU BOTH! Why in the bleep am I just now finding out that you are prego and you are almost done! At any rate, we are sooo excited for you guys & Shar you are not alone in the love/hate relationship of being prego. I am still trying to lose my prego weight from Riley, but he was totally worth getting fat for. :)

Catherine said...

I think you look so cute! Don't you hate when people give you their two cents about your body?

Best of luck these next couple weeks and happy pushing!

I'll be excited to see your little cutie when she arrives!

Much Love,

Shalice said...

Oh Shar, how I hope that your prediction is not true....but who am I to talk??

She will be totally worth it - even if she is 9 plus pounds. And oh, how I feel your pain!

Love you1

Jon, Kaylene and Laila said...

Shar, I love it, you are so dang funny. Wow that just makes me very excited for the weeks to come and all of the great events I have to look forward to. Hmmm bones separating, somehow no one ever told me that either, that sounds really comfortable. Shar I am so excited for you! I cant wait, i wish I could be there. love ya and by the way I was waddleing at 18 weeks so 36 weeks is not too bad! Love Kaylene

Chris and Brittani Knudsen said...

Ha ha ha, well I'll bet you won't get the comments "When are you due?" a month after you have the baby! You look beautiful, I should send you pics I was a mammoth!