Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Now That's Love

So my husband did probably the cutest thing ever. I have been missing Arizona a lot lately, mostly the weather and the food. I am a Mexican food lover and Charlotte has NO Mexican food...and when I say none, I mean Taco Bell is my sole Mexican food option! So Lee went to Arizona to visit his family and I was so sad I couldn't go with him. He ate at my favorite Mexican food place called Gecko Grill and I was so jealous. My sisters and mom can attest that this is probably the most incredible Mexican food ever. When we lived in Arizona Lee and I ate there at least once a week, and that isn't an exaggeration. Well my cute husband went to Gecko the night before he left and bought me my favorite burrito. He immediately put it in the freezer so it would be frozen when he traveled home. When he got home he gave it to me and after heating it up it pretty much tasted like I had just ordered it from the kitchen. I mean even if it hadn't worked as well as it did it still would have tasted amazing. Let's face it, when you have been deprived for so long that Taco Bell tastes good, you know anything will be a step up! Even more than how good it was, it just made me realize that I truly do have the best husband. He was so sweet to think of me and go so out of his way to make me happy. I love you babe, you really are the best husband a girl could have!

Also, I know I haven't posted much lately, but I am currently in San Diego at the beach with Lee's fam. I should have a good post coming soon!


Shalice said...

That is the greatest! Do you think he could do that for us as well? I still want to go back to the restaurant - it really was so good!

Good job Lee! Can't wait to hear all your stories from San diego!

Kellie said...

I thought you were going to say you were in AZ and I was going to be really mad that you didn't call me. But yeah, that was really cute of him! That place was good!

Clint and Jinger Miller said...

I am so glad that I found your blog!! Hope life is going well. Congratulations on your little girl that is on the way. You have lots to look forward too. Keep in touch!!

Shaundee said...

Seriously all the love to Lee!! That place sounds good right now. I mean we only ate there like 3 days in a row when we visited! see you soon! Love you